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Deploy an Application

This section describes how to install applications for x86, x86_64 or arm (32bit only).

Applications for x86 and x86_64

Android 10 and below are only available in x86 (32-bit) architecture for the moment.

Genymotion Desktop virtual devices architecture is x86 (32-bit) and x86_64 (64-bit). Applications for x86 and/or x86_64 can be installed "out of the box" using one of the following methods:

Drag and drop an APK file to the virtual device display to install it:

If you get an error, the APK you use may be compiled for ARM only. If so, re-compile it for x86 or x86_64, or use a x86, x86_64 or universal variant APK. If this is not possible, please refer to the section below.

Google Play Store, and other Google Apps, are not installed by default for Intellectual Property reasons. You need to install the Open GApps.

Then, open the Play Store, configure your Google account and install your application.

Your device isn't compatible with this version

If the application cannot be found, or Google Play Store displays the error message "Your device isn't compatible with this version", it may mean that the application is only available for ARM.

Please refer to Applications for ARM section below for possible solutions.

Setup ADB, then run the following command:

adb install <application name>.apk

If you get an error, the APK you use may be compiled for ARM. If so, re-compile it for x86 or x86_64 or use a x86/x86_64/universal variant APK. If this is not possible, please refer to the section below.

Applications for ARM

Genymotion Desktop virtual devices architecture is x86 (32bit) and x86_64 (64bit): if your application is only available for ARM (armv7), you must install ARM translation libraries to deploy and run it.

ARM translation libraries can only interpret applications for arm (32bit, armv7) - it will not work with applications for ARM64 (armv8).

Install the ARM translation tools

ARM translation tools modify the Android ROM and may damage your virtual device. USE AT YOUR OWN RISKS!

ARM translation tools contain libraries that are the property of Intel; we cannot distribute them.

OpenGAPPs (Google Play Store, Google Services, etc.)

The ARM translation tools must be installed before the Open GAPPs package.

  1. Drag'n drop the ARM translation tools .zip file to the device display.
  2. Once done, reboot the device or close and restart it.

To verify the installation, you can use a third party application, such as Device Info . If successful, the available instruction sets (Supported ABIs) should be x86, armeabi-v7a, armeabi:

Device Info
Device Info - CPU

  1. Upload the ARM translation tools zip file:

    adb push /sdcard/Download/
  2. Flash the archive:

    adb shell "/system/bin/ /sdcard/Download/"
  3. Reboot the device:

    adb reboot
  4. Verification:

    $ adb shell getprop ro.product.cpu.abilist

Install the Application

Follow the same steps as Applications for x86 and x86_64 to deploy the application.

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