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  • Python 3.8+
  • pip3 20.9+
  • Android SDK


pip3 install [--user] gmsaas

Wait, I get 'error: externally-managed-environment'

It means you're using a Python interpreter managed by your system. This type of environment restrict direct install using pip3 to protect the system's dependencies.

To resolve this, you have several options:

  1. Use a virtual Python environment (recommanded), you can follow this tutorial.
  2. Use pip3 install [--user] gmsaas --break-system-packages if you're aware of the consequences (not recommanded).
  3. Using pip3 with elevated privileges (strongly discouraged).


pip3 install [--user] --upgrade gmsaas

To benefit from ARM64 images, you need to use gmsaas 1.12.0 or above.

If you're working on Apple hardware using Apple Silicon SoC (mac M series), you have to install Rosetta. If it is not already the case, this can be done with softwareupdate --install-rosetta.

If you're using Python 3.12, you need to use gmsaas 1.11.0 or above.


Python package

pip3 uninstall gmsaas

Local files

Remove the following directories to purge gmsaas:

  • Windows: %LOCALAPPDATA%\Genymobile\gmsaas
  • Linux: ~/.Genymobile/gmsaas and ~/gmsaas.tmp
  • macOS: ~/.Genymobile/gmsaas

Get notified when a new version is out

You can add the RSS feed to you favorite RSS feed reader or to your corporate communication solution (Slack, Microsoft Teams, Discord and so on). There is no other communication than new gmsaas releases.



Two steps are required to use gmsaas properly:

  1. Configure the path to your Android SDK:

    gmsaas config set android-sdk-path <sdk_path>

    <sdk_path> should point to the Android SDK installation directory, similar to the ANDROID_SDK_ROOT or deprecated ANDROID_HOME environment variables.

  2. Authenticate:

    1. Create an API Token here and copy it to your clipboard.
    2. Then, to use it with gmsaas, you can either run the following command in a terminal:
    gmsaas auth token <token>

    or you can store the API Token in the environment variable GENYMOTION_API_TOKEN.

    Using credentials to authenticate gmsaas has been deprecated since version 1.10.0.

    If you have existing automated tests, please consider using an API Token instead of the tuple email / password for security reasons.

    • gmsaas auth token should be used in place of gmsaas auth login command.

    • gmsaas auth reset should be used in place of gmsaas auth logout command.

    While these deprecated commands are still working with gmsaas 1.10.0, they are subject to removal in future releases.

You can check if gmsaas is well configured by using the command gmsaas doctor

Exit code will be 0 in case of success, 1 otherwise. For example:

$ gmsaas doctor
Check up finished:
- Authentication OK.
- Android SDK OK.

Output format


gmsaas exposes a global --format (text|json|compactjson) option for all commands.

Available formats are:


Plain text output. Default.


JSON-formatted output. While each command has specific data printed, it always contains exit_code information.


Same thing as json format but one-lined.

You can set a default output format to use in configuration with:

gmsaas config set output-format json


Successful command in JSON format

$ gmsaas --format json logzip
    "archive_path": "/home/me/projects/myapp/",
    "exit_code": 0,
    "exit_code_desc": "NO_ERROR"

Error in JSON format

$ gmsaas --format json instances list
    "error": {
        "message": "Error: unable to use the proxy",
        "details": "Failed to establish a new connection: [Errno 113] No route to host"
    "exit_code": 15,
    "exit_code_desc": "REQUEST_ERROR"



If you are behind a corporate proxy, gmsaas may not be able to access the Internet with its default settings.

SOCKS5 proxy is supported only from gmsaas 1.4.0 onward.

Proxy settings can be configured via gmsaas config command.

gmsaas config set proxy (http[s]|socks5)://host:port

For an authenticated proxy, credentials can be passed in the URL:

gmsaas config set proxy (http[s]|socks5)://user:password@host:port
gmsaas config set proxy http[s]://host:port

For an authenticated proxy, credentials can be passed in the URL:

gmsaas config set proxy http[s]://user:password@host:port

Alternatively, to avoid having the proxy credentials stored in gmsaas configuration file, you can set the credentials using environment variables:

GMSAAS_PROXY_USERNAME: the username used to connect to the proxy
GMSAAS_PROXY_PASSWORD: the password of given user

Bash/Zsh auto-completion

gmsaas supports Bash and Zsh auto-completion. To activate it, you need to inform your shell that completion is available.

For Bash, add this to your .bashrc:

eval "$(_GMSAAS_COMPLETE=source gmsaas)"

For Zsh, add this to your .zshrc:

eval "$(_GMSAAS_COMPLETE=source_zsh gmsaas)"

You must type at least one dash to complete command-line options.

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