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Genymotion Shell

Genymotion provides a shell to script the modification of sensor statuses.

Starting Genymotion Shell

To start Genymotion Shell, perform the action corresponding to your operating system:

Double-click Genymotion Shell icon in your application menu or desktop, or run this command in a command prompt:

C:\Program Files\Genymobile\Genymotion\genyshell.exe

Click Genymotion Shell icon from the Applications directory or run this command in a terminal:


In a terminal, run:




Interacting with Genymotion Shell

With the commands below, you can perform various basic actions related to the use of Genymotion Shell:

help Displays the list of available commands.
pause Pauses the execution of Genymotion Shell. The value must be set in seconds.
version Returns Genymotion Shell version.
exit|quit Closes Genymotion Shell.

Interacting with virtual devices

To modify sensor statuses and values of a virtual device, Genymotion Shell provides commands grouped by category corresponding to the component of the virtual device they interact with. This section lists available commands of each category.


The devices command interacts or returns results about virtual devices themselves. Available subcommands are:

list Lists available virtual devices and provides details such as current status, IP address and name.
refresh Refreshes the virtual device list.
select <device_ID> Selects a virtual device. Add the ID of the virtual device you wish to select (as displayed in the device list).
ping Sends a ping message to check that the virtual device is responding.
factoryreset <device_ID> [force] Resets the virtual device to factory state. Add the ID of the device you wish to reset (as displayed in the device list). Adding the option force at the end skips the warning message about data loss.


Genymotion Shell > devices list

| No Genymotion virtual device running found                           |
| Please, run at least one Genymotion virtual device to use this shell |

Available devices:

Id | Select |    Status     |   Type   |   IP Address    |      Name
0 |        |           Off |  virtual | | Samsung Galaxy S8
1 |        |           Off |  virtual | | Samsung Galaxy S9


The battery commands interact with the Battery widget. Available subcommands are:

getmode Returns the current battery mode of the selected virtual device.
setmode <host|manual> Sets the battery mode of the selected virtual device:
  • host: the virtual battery values reflect the host battery values (if any).
  • manual: the virtual battery charge level and state of charge can be manually set.
getlevel Returns the current battery charge level of the selected virtual device. If the battery mode is host, the returned value is the host value.
setlevel <0-100> Sets the battery charge level of the selected virtual device. The value must range from 0% to 100%. This command forces the activation of the manual mode.
getstatus Returns the current battery state of charge of the selected virtual device.
setstatus <discharging|charging|notcharging|full> Sets the battery state of charge of the selected virtual device:
  • discharging <0-100>: simulates that the power supply is unplugged and the battery is discharging.
  • charging <0-100>: simulates that the power supply is plugged in and the battery is charging.
  • notcharging <0-100>: simulates that the power supply has just been unplugged and the battery is not discharging yet.
  • full: simulates that the battery is fully charged.


Genymotion Shell > battery getlevel
Battery level: 97%


The gps command interacts with the GPS widget. Available subcommands are:

getstatus Returns the activation status of the GPS signal reception.
setstatus <enabled|disabled> Sets the activation status of the GPS signal reception:
  • enabled: the GPS signal reception is enabled.
  • disabled: the GPS signal reception is disabled.
getlatitude Returns the current latitude value.
setlatitude <value> Sets the latitude value. The value must range from -90° to 90°.
getlongitude Returns the current longitude value.
setlongitude <value> Sets the longitude value. The value must range from -180° to 180°.
getaltitude Returns the current altitude value.
setaltitude <value> Sets the altitude value. The value must range from -10000m to 10000m.
getaccuracy Returns the current accuracy value.
setaccuracy <value> Set the accuracy value. The value must range from 0m to 200m.
getbearing Returns the current bearing value.
setbearing <value> Sets the bearing value. The value must range from 0° to 359.99°.


Genymotion Shell > gps setstatus enabled
GPS status set to: enabled
Genymotion Shell > gps setlatitude 50
GPS Latitude set to: 50
Genymotion Shell > gps setlongitude 40
GPS Longitude set to: 40


The rotation command interacts with the rotation feature.

Available subcommand is setangle <value> to set the rotation angle value of the virtual device. Value must be 0, 90, 180 or 270 degrees.


Genymotion Shell > rotation setangle 180
Device angle of rotation set to: 180


The android command interacts with the Identifiers widget. Available subcommands are:

version Returns the Android version of the selected virtual device.
getandroidid Returns the Android ID number of the selected virtual device.
setandroidid <random|custom> Sets the Android ID number of the selected virtual device:
  • random: a random Android ID number is generated.
  • custom <value>: Sets a custom AndroidID. The value must contain 16 hexadecimal digits.
getdeviceid Returns the device ID (IMEI/MEID) number of the selected virtual device.
setdeviceid <none|random|custom> Sets the device ID (IMEI/MEID) number of the selected virtual device:
  • none: no device ID number is generated.
  • random: a random device ID number is generated.
  • custom <value>: set a custom device ID. The value must contain alphanumeric characters, dots, dashes and/or underscores.


Genymotion Shell > android version
Version: 8.1.0
Genymotion Shell > android getandroidid
Android ID: e77d9eeb469a647b

Disk I/O

The diskio command interact with the Disk I/O widget. Available subcommands are:

clearcache Clears the disk cache.
getreadratelimit Returns the read rate limit in KB/sec. If no read rate limit is set, the read rate is unlimited.
setreadratelimit <value> Sets the disk read rate limit in KB/sec. The value must range from 1 to 2097151. Use 0 to disable read rate limit.


Genymotion Shell > diskio getreadratelimit 
Read byterate is unlimited


The network command interact with the Network widget. Available subcommands are:

setstatus <wifi|mobile> <enabled|disabled> Set the status of the given interface ("wifi" or "mobile").
getstatus <wifi|mobile> Returns the current status of the given interface ("wifi" or "mobile").
setsignalstrength <wifi|mobile> <strength> Set the signal strength of the given interface ("wifi" or "mobile"). Available strength values are: none,poor,moderate,good and great.
getsignalstrength <wifi|mobile> Returns the signal strength of the given interface ("wifi" or "mobile").
setmobileprofile <profile> Set the mobile network profile of the selected virtual device:
  • none: no network connection.
  • gsm: 2G GSM network connection.
  • gprs: 2G GPRS network connection.
  • edge: 2G EDGE network connection.
  • umts: 3G UMTS network connection.
  • hsdpa: 3D HDSPA network connection.
  • lte: 4G LTE network connection.
  • 5g: 5G network connection.
getmobileprofile Returns the current mobile network profile.


Genymotion Shell > network getstatus wifi
wifi interface is enabled
Genymotion Shell > network setmobileprofile edge
Mobile network profile set to edge
Genymotion Shell > network setsignalstrength mobile moderate
Signal strength for mobile set to moderate
getprofile Returns the current network profile of the selected virtual device.
setprofile <profile> Sets the network profile of the selected virtual device:
  • no-data: no network connection.
  • gprs: GPRS network connection.
  • edge: Edge network connection.
  • 3g: 3G network connection.
  • 4g: 4G network connection.
  • 4g-high-losses: 4G network connection with packet losses set to 10%.
  • 4g-bad-dns: 4G network connection with a DNS delay set to 3000ms.
  • wifi: Wi-Fi network connection.


Genymotion Shell > network setprofile wifi
Network profile set to: wifi


The phone command interact with the Phone widget. Available subcommands are:

call <number> Simulates an incoming phone call from a given phone number.
sms <number> <string> Simulates an incoming text message from a given phone number.
baseband <subcommand> Sends raw data directly to the baseband. See table below for available subcommands.

phone baseband

The following phone baseband subcommands will return the corresponding results in your logcat:

gsm list Lists all incoming and outgoing phone calls and their state.
gsm call <number> Simulates a new incoming call from a given phone number.
gsm busy <number> Hangs up an outgoing call (performed from the integrated Dialer application) and reports the remote phone as busy.
gsm hold <number> Simulates that an incoming or outgoing phone call (performed from the integrated Dialer application) is put on hold.
gsm accept <number> Simulates that the outgoing phone call (performed from the integrated Dialer application) is answered.
gsm cancel <number> Simulates that an incoming or outgoing phone call is hung up.
gsm <data|voice> <value> Modifies data or voice connection state. Values can be:
  • unregistered or off: no network available.
  • home or on: on local network, non-roaming.
  • roaming: on roaming network.
  • searching: searching networks.
  • denied: emergency calls only.
gsm status Displays the current status of the GSM emulation.
gsm signal <rssi|ber|rs_snr> Changes the reported strength and error rate on next (15s) update:
  • rssi <value>: the value must range from 0 to 31. Returns 99 if the value is unknown.
  • ber <value>: the value must range from 0% to 7%. Returns 99 if the value is unknown.
  • rs_snr <value>: the value must range from -200 to 300.
cdma ssource <nv|ruim> Sets the current CDMA subscription source. Values can be:
  • nv : the subscription is read from non-volatile RAM.
  • ruim: the subscription is read from RUIM.
cdma prl_version <value> Dumps the current PRL version.
sms send <number> <string> Simulates an incoming text message from a given phone number.
sms pdu <hex_string> Simulates a new incoming text message defined in the PDU format.


Genymotion Shell > phone baseband sms send 123456789 Hello!

Interacting with Genymotion

The genymotion command allows you to perform actions related to the Genymotion application via Genymotion Shell.

Available subcommands are:

capabilities Returns Genymotion features available on the selected virtual device.
clearcache Clears temporary files and logs.
version Returns the Genymotion version of the selected virtual device.
license Returns information about the Genymotion license (type, validity).


Genymotion Shell > genymotion capabilities

Using Genymotion Shell from a command prompt or script

You can connect to Genymotion Shell and interact with a virtual device from a command prompt or in a script. Options below are specific to the command line interface:

-q Remove header in output.
This option makes Genyshell output less verbose and easier to integrate in scripts.
-h Displays the list of available options.
-r <IP> Connects to a given virtual device with its IP address.
-c "<command>" Runs a command on the selected virtual device and returns corresponding values.
-f <file> Runs the content of a file on the selected virtual device.
Returns the corresponding values line by line.


./genyshell -c "battery getlevel"
Connection mode: local host
Welcome to Genymotion Shell

Genymotion virtual device selected: Samsung Galaxy S8_1

Battery level: 100%
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