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The Safety category allows you to define some security parameters in order for the deployment to be completed properly. From this category, you can define the charge level that the device battery must reach before completing the deployment. You can also decide to abort a deployment if no SIM card is detected in a device and set a time delay before deploying a feature during the deployment process.

Set battery level

Allows the administrator to define the charge level that device batteries must reach before completing the deployment of the configuration. To set a battery charge level to reach:

  1. Click Add and Set battery level.
  2. Define the charge level to be reached using the Charge level bar.
  3. Click Apply.


During the deployment, if the battery charge level is below the defined level, a button appears on the deployment screen allowing you to choose whether to complete the process given the current charge level.

Detect SIM card

Abort a deployment if no SIM card is detected in a device:

  1. Click Add and Detect SIM card.
  2. Click Apply.

Set time delay

Allows the administrator to define the time in seconds to wait between the deployment of two features. To set a time delay:

  1. Click Add and Set time delay.
  2. Define a duration in seconds.
  3. Click Apply.
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