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Creating a configuration

To create a configuration:

  1. Open Genydeploy in Administror mode by launching Genydeploy-admin executable
  2. Click Create:

    create conf

    This will open the Configuration properties window:

    Conf settings

  3. Complete the fields with the appropriate information:

    • Name: Give a name to your configuration.
    • Description: Give a short description of your configuration.
    • License key: Select a license key from the drop-down list. The license key defines the total amount of devices that you can deploy your configuration on.1
  4. Enable or disable the extra options:

    • To make sure the deployment runs properly on devices, enable View agent after each deployed feature.
    • Uninstall agent: uninstall the Genydeploy agent from devices once the deployment is complete.
    • Disable USB debugging: disable USB debugging on devices once the deployment is complete.
    • Power off after deployment: power off devices once the deployment is complete.
    • Run script after deployment: run a script after the deployment of all features.
  5. Click Create.

You can now configure parameters and services by clicking Add and selecting features in the following sections:

At any time, you can edit a parameter or service by clicking or remove it by clicking .

Once your configuration is created, you can save it at the desired location by clicking Save.

Feature ordering

At any time during the creation of your configuration, you can organize features so that the configuration is deployed in the order of your choice. To order features, once you have added them to your configuration, simply drag and drop them in the order of your choice.


To obtain the expected configuration, selected features must observe a logical order. Indeed, some features must be placed among the first positions (example: Detect SIM card, Wipe memory, Set Wi-Fi).

Testing deployment

You can test the deployment of all or some of the features you wish to add to your configuration. To do so:

  1. Select features by ticking the checkbox to their left or tick Select all at the bottom of the screen.
  2. Click Deployment in order to be redirected to the deployment screen.
  3. Click Deploy.

  1. Deployments are counted per device. This way, you can be sure that if you need to deploy the configuration again on the same device (in case of a deployment failure for example), it will be deducted only once from your balance. The figure displayed in the Balance box corresponds to the amount of remaining devices configurable on the given license key. 

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